@misc { npapadopoulos_macro-photography_with_a_mobile_phone_(part_2),
author = "Nikolaos Papadopoulos",
title = "Macro-Photography with a Mobile Phone (Part 2)",
howpublished = "\url{}",
month = "06",
year = "2020",
[1] N. Papadopoulos, "Macro-Photography with a Mobile Phone (Part 2)",, 2020. [Online].
Available: \url{}.
[Accessed: 01-03-2025].
In a previous post we experimented with a simple but rather low tech way of taking macro-focus photographs using a mobile phone. While the results that method yields are quite impressive, the granularity of the detail we captured is impacted by the low clarity and less than optimal shape of the liquid lens. In this short post we’ll borrow the lens from a cheap laser pointer such as the one pictured below, to get some better results.
Here are a few photos that were captured using this setup: