@misc { npapadopoulos_ncf_a_minimalistic_meta-language,
author = "Nikolaos Papadopoulos",
title = "NCF, A Minimalistic Meta-Language",
howpublished = "\url{}",
month = "01",
year = "2015",
[1] N. Papadopoulos, "NCF, A Minimalistic Meta-Language",, 2015. [Online].
Available: \url{}.
[Accessed: 01-03-2025].
Table of Contents
A few years back, I was working on my offline renderer and I needed a way to describe simple scenes in a human readable format. I created NCF to serve that purpose and wrote a handy parser for it. What follows is a description of the language format. The parser is written in c++ and is available at github
NCF is a data serialization language (DSL) like YAML, XML and JSON. It provides the mechanics to implement complex hierarchy descriptors. Each line constitutes a separate entry. All entries are stripped of leading and trailing whitespace characters. Empty lines are ignored.
Strings following the sign “#” are treated as comments and are ignored at the parsing stage.
# This line is a comment
property = value # This is a comment as well
Local File Inclusion
Local files can be inlined with the use of the “%include” directive.
%include common_set.ncf
The simplest type of instruction is the property definition:
property = value
Blocks are used to group properties together. They can contain other blocks to create a hierarchy. A block definition begins with:
block name = {
The property scope is local to each block and the bottom-most redefinition within the same block prevails. Redefinition of groups within the same level adds the new properties to the existing ones.
root = /
server A = {
root = ./
root = ./sandbox/
# After parsing, the local property "root" will be equal to "./sandbox"
# Note that the global property "root" is not the same as the local
# property "path.root"
server B = {
server A = {
# The following property will be added to the existing set of "server A".
allow edit = true
References can be used to substitute values with previously defined properties higher in the hierarchy.
# Character sheet
version = 1.0
character = {
name = John
surname = Doe
statistics = {
level = 10
dialogue = {
# In the following property, the string "<name>" will be
# substituted with the string "John".
msg01 = Some call me <name>, the wizard king.
msg02 = Greetings traveller!
inventory = {