Sometimes it is desirable to embed resource files in c or c++ programs. There are many ways to go about it but in most cases you must convert the files with external tools or scripts.

Using external tools

For image files, image-magick can be used:

$ imagick input.png output.h    

Another common tool that can convert all types of files is xxd.

$ xxd -i input.whatever output.h    

While the above methods are perfectly valid, some extra dependencies are added to the build process.

Using the preprocessor

One interesting way to do this for plain ascii files (eg. shaders) can be found in Bullet's MiniCL example programs and more specifically in lines 31-33 of MiniCL_VectorAdd.cpp

A preprocessor macro is defined and a string declaration is placed before the file inclusion directive.


#define STRINGIFY(A) #A
char *fsource =
#include "file.ext"


Then the external ascii file is wrapped in the STRINGIFY block.




Note that the above method still requires that the file is edited to add the macro block but the operation is rundimentary and usually relatively simple to automate.

Using ASM

Another way is to use an assembly code block that emdeds the data to the .rodata sections of the final binary.

#include <stdio.h>
#define STR2(x) #x
#define STR(x) STR2(x)

#define INCBIN(name, file) \
	__asm__(".section .rodata\n" \
		".global incbin_" STR(name) "_start\n" \
		".type incbin_" STR(name) "_start, @object\n" \
		".balign 16\n" \
		"incbin_" STR(name) "_start:\n" \
		".incbin \"" file "\"\n" \
		".global incbin_" STR(name) "_end\n" \
		".type incbin_" STR(name) "_end, @object\n" \
		".balign 1\n" \
		"incbin_" STR(name) "_end:\n" \
		".byte 0\n" \
	); \
extern const __attribute__((aligned(16))) void* incbin_ ## name ## _start; \
extern const void* incbin_ ## name ## _end; \

INCBIN(foobar, "binary.bin");

int main()
	printf("start = %p\n", &incbin_foobar_start);
	printf("end = %p\n", &incbin_foobar_end);
	printf("size = %zu\n", (char*)&incbin_foobar_end - (char*)&incbin_foobar_start);
	printf("first byte = 0x%02x\n", ((unsigned char*)&incbin_foobar_start)[0]);

This is obviously a platform specific solution that will not work on all platforms.